About Dr. Leticia Ximénez
Hi, I am Dr. Leticia Ximénez. I am an empowerment coach, author, speaker, trainer, and consultant, and the founder of Start Again, Not Over, a helping hands organization structured to combine psychology, physiology, and spirituality to help people and organizations revive who they are, remember their purpose, and use their experiences to get where they want to be.
My passion is working with people who want a better future for themselves and those around them and are willing to be honest with themselves and take responsibility in creating the life they want to live. I provide presentations, workshops, and trainings in community, organizational, business, and clinical settings, in-service training and consultation, as well as personal and professional empowerment coaching. I am committed to promoting true inner joy, freedom, and wellbeing, and dedicated to promoting individual, couple, family, community and business education and empowerment.
At Start Again, Not Over, I take my professional expertise, knowledge, and experience and combine them with my personal knowledge and life lessons and my passion and purpose in life to help people live a SANO Way of Life through the process of starting again, not over. I have the experience you need, to help you get from here to there.
You are the key to your future. Allow me to help you open the door to your future success.
Here are more of my credentials and experience…
I have a Doctorate in Clinical Psychology, with an emphasis on Couples Therapy, years of social service with counties in southern California and countless hours working one on one.
I am fluent in English and Spanish and speak a little French.
I have had the privilege of working in social services since 1989 and in mental health services since 1997. And, for almost 12 years, I have had the honor of working at the Los Angeles County Department of Mental Health (LACDMH), the largest and one of the most diverse county mental health department in the United States!
I have conducted trauma recovery, crisis intervention, psychological assessment, psychotherapy, rehabilitation services, and case management to individuals, couples, families, and groups in outpatient, school, day treatment, and juvenile detention settings.
I have designed, implemented, coordinated, supervised, and assessed numerous mental health and other community service programs with LACDMH, Community Based Organizations (CBO’s), and other organizations.
I have monitored and been a contract liaison to some of the Los Angeles County Department of Mental Health’s multi-million dollar mental health contracts.
I have represented agencies and organizations in countywide and statewide administrative meetings, committees, initiatives, and efforts.
Currently, I have the honor of working full-time at the Community and Government Relations Division (CGRD), Office of the Director (OOD) of the Los Angeles County Department of Mental Health (LACDMH), where I have the pleasure of doing the following…
I assist in increasing the morale of the Department’s staff by coordinating and executing the Department’s annual employee recognition process and event, including serving as the chairperson of the Department’s Honors Committee.
I assist with LACDMH’s innovative Spirituality Initiative Projects, including: the contractual and programmatic over site of the Clergy and Mental Health Roundtable Program; the development and rollout of the Spiritual Self-Care Manual and Toolkit; the creation and presentation of Clergy Academy courses; the creation and presentation of the spirituality and mental health training and capacity building projects; the consultation of LACDMH’s annual Mental Health and Spirituality Conference and Faith-Based Advocacy Council monthly meetings.
I assist the Department in incorporating cultural competency throughout its programs, projects, and efforts, such as its Health Care Reform transformation and innovative Health Neighborhood construction, by functioning as the CGRD/OOD representative on stakeholder meetings, such as: Cultural Competency Committee (CCC), which I have co-chaired for the past 5 years, System Leadership Team (SLT), SLT Standing Committee, Underserved Cultural Communities (UsCC) (previously known as Under Represented Ethnic Populations (UREP)) Leadership Team, UsCC Latino Subcommittee, Health Agency Cultural Competency Workgroup, Countywide Quality Improvement Team, Mental Health Services Act Implementation Team, and Volunteer Program Development Steering Committee.
I assist in the recognition of LACDMH’s projects and programs by coordinating the Department’s participation in county, state, and nationwide recognition opportunities and by coordinating opportunities to recognize award winners, including synchronizing with LACDMH’s Public Information Office (PIO) to obtain publicity internally and externally for award recipients.
I also assist with managing community relation projects and assist the Department’s Productivity Manager in the Department’s interactions with the Los Angeles County Quality and Productivity Commission (QPC) by serving as the Department’s Alternate Productivity Manager.
Throughout all my work in the Department, I am committed to maintaining a high quality, holistic, multidisciplinary, and culturally competent perspective.
Now that you know me, I am here to help. Let’s start.