My Expertise
I am a personal and professional empowerment coach, inspirational speaker, motivational trainer, passionate author, and prolific consultant, with a doctorate in clinical psychology and years of experience and expertise. As the proud founder of Start Again, Not Over, I unite mind, body, and soul to empower people to resurrect who they really are, why they are here, and where they want to be.
I work with people who want a better future for themselves and those around them and are willing to be honest with themselves, take responsibility, and do what they need to do to create the life they want to live. I help them move forward by empowering and teaching them the benefit and the power of starting again, not over. I remind them of their true authentic selves and their unlimited potential, ability and capability so they can transition through the ever-changing, ever-evolving time continuum by staying true to themselves, living the life they want to live and fulfilling their true purpose.
I am committed to promoting true inner joy, freedom and wellbeing and love sharing my experience and expertise with people who want to not only go through life on autopilot but live life with intention, people who actually want to live their lives, rather than have somebody else live it for them.
Are you not happy with who you are and where you are today? Are you feeling stuck or like something is not right in your life? Would you like things to change? Do you feel you need to change or you are being forced to make a change? Are you having trouble letting go or not knowing which way to go personally and/or professionally? If any of this sounds like you or your organization, let me help you take the next step to get you where you want to go. Let’s Start Again, Not Over! Here are different ways we can start working together:
Read my blog posts.
As the author of the Start Again, Not Over, Blog I share what I’ve learned and what I’ve experienced along the way. In my blog posts, I address questions and issues we face with life transitions, loss and grief, and relationship building. Click here to join me in a journey of discovery towards a life of well-being, freedom, joy and fulfillment.
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Book me as a speaker, trainer, consultant and coach. Learn more by going to my BOOK ME webpage.