25,000 Opportunities to Start Again

Dr. Leticia Ximénez
June 30, 2015
I saw a commercial that said that most of us have 25,000 mornings in our lifetime. Yes, 25,000!  25,000 opportunities to Start Again, Not Over!
I immediately started wondering what that translated into years. So, I did the math. There are 365.24 days in 1 year. Therefore, 25,000 mornings equal 68.49 years.
I asked myself, where did they come up with that number? Well, per Wikipedia, “Worldwide, the average life expectancy at birth was 71.0 years (68.5 years for males and 73.5 years for females) over the period 2010–2013 according to United Nations World Population Prospects 2012.”
Then, I began to wonder, “How many mornings did my husband, Joe, have?” He passed exactly 2 months after just turning 39. If you do the math, he only had 14,305 mornings! That’s it!
But, in that short period of time, Joe accomplished more than many people who have lived twice as many mornings! How was it that he was able to do that?
Simple, Joe lived a SANO Way of Life!
Since he became sick at the age of 18, Joe knew he didn’t have a lot of time. And, since he almost died then, Joe also felt he was living on borrowed time. These two beliefs forever changed the way he viewed and lived his life, allowing him to do as much as he did in the little time that he had.
First, Joe chose to see these as blessings and markers, rather than as curses, and was extremely grateful for the time he would be allowed to live.
Life became too precious to waste. And, since he did not know exactly how many mornings he would have, he was not only grateful for the ones he had, but made the best he could with each and every one of them.
As a man of faith, he believed he was given these valuable mornings for a reason and immediately set out to find the reason in every precious moment he was allowed to live. He paid attention to the things that mattered to him, his beliefs, and his reason for living. And, did not bother with the things that did not.
We are no different from Joe. We know we are not immortal. Whether we see it statistically or spiritually – our days are also counted!
How many mornings have you had? How would you like the rest you have left to be different? What one thing can you do today to start making that happen?  
Feel free to share your thoughts with us below.  We’d love to hear from you.


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