Wishing You a Happy SANO Birthday!

Dr. Leticia Ximénez
March 17, 2016

Happy SANO Birthday



Today is my husband’s birthday. Yes, Joe was a beautiful and happy St. Patrick’s Day baby. His memory, his energy, his spirit, and his wisdom are very much present all around me. So, on this special day, I would like to share with you and also wish you, not just a Happy Birthday, but, a Happy SANO Birthday, for whenever your birthday may be, too.

Birthdays can be sad and difficult for some people. These people focus on the passing of time and how they are getting older, looking older, and regretting all the things they still have not done.

Birthdays can be fun and distracting for other people. These people focus on celebrating, usually with others, their birth and the fact that they are alive one more year, and, maybe even the fact that the past year is finally behind them.

Birthdays can be a time of gratitude and hope for others. These people focus on being grateful for having reached one more year and hoping that it will not be their last.

Yet, birthdays can also be a perfect time to spring forward and Start Again, Not Over! That is exactly what Joe and I began doing many years ago. We began practicing and celebrating SANO Birthdays.

SANO Birthdays are thought-provoking and enlightening. They focus on Attention, Intention, and Action. You pay Attention to and learn from your past year. You make the Intention to improve your new year. And, very importantly, you begin planning the Actions you will take to make it happen. Then, you go and celebrate, have fun, enjoy, and be grateful for the opportunity to Start Again, Not Over, and live the life you have always wanted to live.

Join the SANO Movement! Start celebrating SANO Birthdays and make every year count because you don’t know how many more you will have. Stop living the same year over and over again by living on autopilot. Take control of your life. Start living a true new year, a happy and fulfilling year, the year you want to live. This is your chance. Happy SANO Birthday!

Now, think about your upcoming birthday. How will you celebrate your first active, action oriented SANO Birthday?

Feel free to share your thoughts with us below. We’d love to hear from you.



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