Make Your Happiness a Priority – Schedule Your SANO Hour

Dr. Leticia Ximénez
April 10, 2016

Make Happiness Your Priority - SANO HourSundays are usually days that people use to rest and relax and to spend time with family. Some people use Sundays to practice their spiritual and religious beliefs by doing things like attending a religious service or spending time in nature.

Many time management books recommend using Sunday evening to plan the upcoming week. They suggest scheduling important meetings and appointments and then blocking off time to work on short-term and long-term goals.

Joe was a planner. He believed in being organized, prepared, and productive.  But, even more strongly, he believed in the importance of spending time with whom and what makes you happy.

When was the last time you thought of what makes you happy?  When was the last time you prioritized your happiness? When was the last time you scheduled happiness in your busy schedule?  Or, maybe the best question is – Have you ever put happiness in your schedule?

Why not?  Isn’t being happy important to you?  Yes, it is, right?!  Then, why are you always putting your happiness on the backburner or on the “someday when I have time” list.  You know that list, the one that hardly ever gets done because you NEVER have time.

It is time to start prioritizing your happiness – not just for yourself but for everyone around you.  In fact, according to Don Jose Ruiz, co-author of The Fifth Agreement and Ripples of Wisdom, “Your ONLY social responsibility is BEING HAPPY!” Think about it.  What kind of world would it be, if you were always happy and if everyone around you were always happy, too?  What kind of world would it be, if you did not depend on others to make you happy and others did not depend on you to be happy?

Start Again, Not Over!

Start making your happiness a priority.  Start scheduling time for what makes you happy.


Start by figuring out what makes you happy.  Pay Attention to You – your True Authentic Self…

·      What makes You happy?

·      What do You like?

·      What do You want?

·      What brings you joy and happiness?


Make the Intention to make your happiness a priority.  Make the Intention to schedule time this coming week to do things that make you happy.  Make the Intention to schedule them right along with the important appointments and meetings.  If you don’t, think about it.  How satisfying will it be to reach your short-term and long-term goals, if you have missed the joy of the journey to them?


Schedule a SANO Hour – A happy, healthy hour. A SANO Hour is like Happy Hour but without alcohol – ok, alcohol optional. It is a time to do something fun, relaxing, healthy, anything that will make you happy and feel good about yourself.  It is a time to do something that your True Authentic Self likes, wants, and brings him/her joy and happiness.

Time is relative.  So, your SANO Hour does not have to be an exact hour, just like Happy Hour is usually not exactly 60 minutes either. You decide how much time your SANO Hour will be. It could be 3 minutes playing peekaboo with your baby. It can be 10 minutes playing Patty Cake with your six-year-old. It can be 15 minutes drinking your favorite cup of tea, comfortably sitting on your favorite chair, looking out the window in silence.  It can be 30 minutes reading a few pages of your favorite book, while enjoying a delicious Cup of Joe. It can be a few minutes, or more, (hint, hint) making love or cuddling. You and your partner decide. The important thing here is that you schedule specific times in your busy calendar to do things that make you happy with the people you love and add to your joy and happiness.

It is important to treat your SANO Hour like any other important meeting or appointment.  It is an important appointment with your True Authentic Self and Your happiness – you do not want to miss that.  Make sure you do not skip or cancel it. It is important that you keep and intentionally participate in your SANO Hour.

Of course, this is not the only time for you to feel happy or do things that make you happy.  But, it is a way that you can start prioritizing your happiness, ensuring that at the end of the day, you can smile knowing you did at least one thing that made you happy that day.

What does your True Authentic Self like and want?  What brings You joy and happiness?  What time will you schedule your SANO Hour?  With whom will you share your SANO Hour?  What are some of the things you will do during your SANO Hour?

Feel free to share your thoughts below.  We would love to hear from you.



  1. Thank you, I am a new member and I’m already enjoying your web.
    my learning: Intention – Attention and action beautiful.

    • You are welcome and thank you for your comment! I am glad these themes of Attention, Intention, and Action resonate with you as they are universal themes that Empower us to Start Again, Not Over, and take control of our lives. Enjoy being in the driver’s seat, where you belong. Have a Happy SANO day!


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